Roll the Bones

Why are we here? Because we’re here, roll the bones

Neil Peart

Today I had a longer commute to work than normal because of some errands I had to run. After listening to enough podcasts for one morning, I turned to some music. For some reason, I wanted to hear Rush’s 1991 Roll the Bones album. In retrospect, it was the perfect listen for the day.

As I air drummed my way into the parking lot at work, I knew it was my second to last day at a workplace I have simply loved. It’s still weird to say it – but tomorrow is my last day at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab.

I wasn’t looking for a new opportunity. I joke a golf ball blasted through my window. Once the opportunity presented itself and it became real, I decided I had to go for it. If not now, when?

On Monday I start at Microsoft in Reston, Virginia. I’m excited to sink my teeth into the unique technical challenges they’ll present.

It’s not easy to leave the incredible people I’ve worked with each day at APL. Tomorrow we’ll wrap up a delivery that’s years in the making. I’m proud of the way the team rallied despite a worldwide pandemic.

Before I wrap a bow on this journey, I wanted to acknowledge the people that made this experience so memorable and fulfilling. Emily, Stephen, and Danny – thanks for each encouraging me in your own way to join APL. It was everything you said it would be and more.

Shogun and Chum, I’ll never forget our divergence into mechanical watches during my interview. You both treated me so well over the years. I grew a ton and appreciate all the opportunities you gave me.

Matt, thanks for being my confidant during many decisions, including this one. I admire your jovial approach to professionalism.

And lastly Kris. I don’t know what to say. Best tech lead ever? Thank you. Thanks for always knowing where my head was. Thanks for sharing your stories. Thanks for your leadership. I’ve learned a ton and I’m sorry to go. It’s been a lot of fun.

A lot of folks told me to enjoy the greener pastures. To them I said, it’s just pastures. I truly don’t know if I will enjoy any workplace as much as I’ve enjoyed APL. Why does it happen? Because it happens, roll the bones.

8 Replies to “Roll the Bones”

  1. Congratulations on your new opportunity Alec!! Of course you’ll do great! As for Roll the Bones, I remember seeing the first four shows of that tour. Love it!

  2. @apulianas Exactly. Songs like that are why I’ll never understand people who stopped listening after Moving Pictures. To me, they were constantly pushing to new levels of songwriting, right up to Clockwork Angels. The Garden, their “final” song may just be their best. And talk about guitar solos…

  3. @apulianas Exactly. Songs like that are why I’ll never understand people who stopped listening after Moving Pictures. To me, they were constantly pushing to new levels of songwriting, right up to Clockwork Angels. The Garden, their “final” song may just be their best. And talk about guitar solos…

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