A Change of Season

It’s hard not to notice the weather changing. For instance I went to the last UMBC soccer game in shorts and a t-shirt without checking the weather. It was in the 50s. Whoops.

But with this change of season comes a different change for me: a new job. To be honest, I didn’t see this coming but when the opportunity presented itself I knew I had to take it.

On Monday I will start at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab. I am excited to meet my new coworkers and start the new opportunity.

But the real reason for this post is to recognize the people at Lockheed who made my time especially special. On my first day I met my cubemate Dave. It was with Dave that I knew I would always be welcomed at LM. He was extremely helpful when I was first getting started and we stayed friends after work pulled us into different labs full time.

My fellow ELDPs were my backbone for the past three and a half years. Besides spending way too much time working on a project with Veronica, Mike, and Pratik it was great getting to work with so many other kind and talented people. I made some lifelong friends like Jose and James even after they moved many miles away. Hell, I still talk to my favorite Brit Mark (sorry Myke) all the time.

I had an amazing time at Lockheed, especially in the Controls lab. Charles is a great leader and mentor and I will miss working with his team. I’ll always remember my good buddies. Jun, Broderic, Dave, Thomas, Crellis, Shelton, Leah, Chris, Larry, Kevin(s). Thanks for helping me grow as a person and engineer.

And lastly, thanks to my fantastic leadership and mentors. Gretchen, Kat, and Laszlo. You’ve all shaped me into who I am today. So many others have touched my life in one way or another. Baltimore will always be family.

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