Found out that Apple’s GiveBack program values stainless steel watches 20 dollars higher than the aluminum equivalent. The prices on that program are actually really good for them, but absolutely a joke for stainless buyers.
Found out that Apple’s GiveBack program values stainless steel watches 20 dollars higher than the aluminum equivalent. The prices on that program are actually really good for them, but absolutely a joke for stainless buyers.
Thanks for this info! I was wondering if I bought a stainless steel if I’d be able to re-use the cost different in the future but several hundred down to 20 is not a good deal. They really should increase that. I can pay $125 on top my series 3 aluminum to get a series 4. But for someone that tried that upgrade as a stainless steel, it would cost them more like 400/500 after the trade in.
@EddieHinkle yeah, exactly. I found out the exchange price from my friend and was like wow, no one wants cellular so they can upgrade for a very reasonable rate. I looked into and its like getting punished for liking nice jewelry. Oh well. Maybe Series 5 I can justify.