This would be the last week of the year if it weren’t for the additional game. I’m at least 24 games over 50 at this point so I’ll likely finish in the green this year.
NFL 2021 Week 16 Bets
I have fallen off the wagon hard with keeping my blog up to date with this series. Back filling with this post. I will probably just compute at the end of the year.
Portland Oregon Overlook Trail
October 20, 2021
NFL 2021 Week 15 Bets
I failed to enumerate my picks for another week… but hey – I made them on this video!
NFL 2021 Week 14 Bets
Forgot to blog and post my picks but did my show with Jason and it was a good week for me! Post coming back this week with updated totals.
Excited to receive some Schiit I just bought.
Remember when we took daylight out of the evening to give us sunlight in the morning? Well its nearly 7am and its still dark out. We done goofed.
NFL 2021 Week 13 Picks
NFL 2021 Week 12 Picks
Tricky week with Thanksgiving that I forgot to post my picks before the Thursday slate kicked off. Luckily it was captured on video with Jason on HuddleItUpFilms.
Had my best of the down weeks but still a losing record missing on 8 games and hitting on 7 last week. I feel like I should pack it in and call it for the year, but gotta continue the experiment.
This week: 5-10
Overall: 96-83-1

Happy to say Adele managed to launch yet another excellent album on the same day as a Prog legend. 25 was on the same day as Rush’s R40 Live, and 30 Genesis’ The Last Domino?