So proud of my alma mater, UMBC, doing what no team has done before. UM! BC!

Continued Apple Music Issues

Today I spoke to Apple Support who encouraged me to turn off iCloud Library in Music so I stop getting the wrong tracks when I listen to various albums. They said after 30 seconds or so it should go be safe to turn it back on and have the problem resolved. Wasn’t enough. It only works right with iCloud Library turned off. I wonder if I need to go ahead and track down all my devices to make the fix permanent. Something tells me the Mac will have to be involved.

I really hope I am able to get this issue fixed since I still can’t AirPlay to my HomePod. I believe it to be a weird edge case with my router where AirPlay is fine for my Apple TV but not HomePod. I don’t want to invest in a new router because in a year I hope to get the latest in mesh technology, which will be total overkill for my current apartment. Maybe AirPlay 2 will be the panacea for my woes, too.

Having no way to tie HomePod’s audio playback to scenes is incredibly short sighted for a device that lives in the Home app.

My mood when I notice I forgot to finish my coffee in the morning: brief sadness followed by a wave of relief that it’s still quite good cold. Guess the heat in your building not working quite right has its perks.

Do you ever make yourself smirk with delight after making a new Workflow? I know I do.