🎶 I’ve been working on an album review for a few days and in the process I rediscovered Crazy by Seal. What a song.

For the first Micro Monday I’d like to recommend you follow @joec. I love his thoughtful posts and black and white photography. You can also find more of his writing on his long form blog.

In other news, my Echo decided to get a software update last night at 3am and announce it to us whilst fast asleep. I know you can set up do not disturb, but there should be some common sense in that cylinder’s code.

After years of working with at least 2 monitors, just working on my laptop this morning has felt constricting. I’ve opened four spaces which has helped a lot.

I’ve been spending a lot of time lately working on a 2018 budget which has been a cool experience because I haven’t ever done a year long budget before. This process has also made me start to think about making a time budget too. I need to be more disciplined about side projects.

Going back and looking at Palm’s demise still makes me sad. I remember wanting a Pre so bad when I was on Verizon stuck with Blackberry or Android. If they had the resources, they might have been able to give Apple a true run for their money.

Watching these two react to Rush’s YYZ is so great. I don’t remember the first time I heard the song, but I bet I was equally as impressed. It really is a masterpiece.